Saturday, February 9, 2013

Toddler jokes

Matthew's been telling us a lot of hilarious jokes lately. Here are the main ones:

Jeff or me: "What does a cow say?"
Matt: "Baa!" (laughs hysterically)

Jeff or me: "What does a sheep say?"
Matt: "Boo! (Moo!)" (laughs hysterically)

And on and on with the animal jokes. The cow/sheep ones are his favorite, though.

Some background on the next ones. For breakfast, Jeff eats Total, Matthew eats oatmeal, and I eat Chex. Matt used to answer correctly for each of us. Now...

Jeff or me: "What are you going to eat for breakfast?"
Matt: "Total" or "Chex" (laughs)

Jeff or me: "What is Dad going to eat for breakfast?"
Matt: *makes turtle face* (laughs).
Turtle=Total––get it? Hilarious!

Me: "Matt, what's on your socks?" (answer is stripes)
Matt: "Dot, dot, dot, dot." Hee hee hee.

Jeff or me: "What letter is this?"
Matt: "H!" (It's an N.)

Jeff or me: "What letter is this?"
Matt: "N!" (It's an H.)

He needs to work on his punch-line face, though. The ROFLing or ridiculous grinning always begins right when he's at the punch line. And he doesn't quite get it if you tell him his own jokes back; if I say a cow says "baa," he just looks at me like, "Wait, that's not right. That's not right at all!" with his super-serious face.