Wednesday, May 29, 2013

More toddler silliness

1. I've been telling Matthew that he can go outside without his shoes on in the morning before the driveway gets too hot, like to put mail in the mailbox or help with recycling, or if he's just going in the garage. The conversation goes like this:
Me: "It's okay. You can go out without your shoes."
Matt: "Shoes on?"
Me: "Nope, you don't need your shoes on."
Matt: "Feet on?"
Me: "Yep, you need your feet on."

Sometimes he switches it up, I guess to see if I'm going to change my story, especially when we're coming inside from somewhere and he has his shoes on:
Me: "You can take your shoes off now."
Matt: "Shoes off?"
Me: "Yep, you can take your shoes off."
Matt: "Feet off?"
Me: "Nope, that's so silly. You have to keep your feet on."

2. Matthew has a blanket with blue dots on it, and one day I was sitting on it. He pointed at each blue dot, saying, "Blue dot. Blue dot. Blue dot," etc. Then he pretended to see blue dots on my arm and back and said, "Blue dot. Blue dot..." When he got to my face, he said, " dot?" and looked really confused. Sure enough, pregnancy acne. Ha ha.

Louisiana Saturday Night

Yesterday, Matthew and I were sitting in the living room working on puzzles when he suddenly started staring intently toward the window. It was like he was completely dazed. I even waved my hand in front of his eyes and got right in his face, asking him what he was looking at. Then he jumped up, ran into the kitchen, and grabbed his shoes. I said, "Do you want your shoes on?" He just kind of stared at me. Then he threw his shoes on the floor, with force, and started hopping wildly. I was so confused that I didn't even say anything about the shoe-throwing; he didn't seem upset, and his behavior was bizarre.

Then I realized. We had Alabama songs playing in the background, and "Louisiana Saturday Night" was on. Sure enough, when the chorus came around, it all made sense:
"Well, you get down the fiddle and you get down the bow
Kick off your shoes and you throw 'em on the floor
Dance in the kitchen till the mornin' light,
Louisiana Saturday night!"

Friday, May 17, 2013

"Just the facts, ma'am"

Matthew's been telling me a lot of facts lately. Many, many times per day. Here are the things he thinks I need to know about a hundred times every day.

"Go, go, go! Green light."
"Stop. Red light."
"Slow. Yellow light."

"Dad pee work."
"Dad poop work."
"Dad eat honey yogurt work."
"Dad eat peanut butter work."
"Dad work dinda (buildings)."

"Dad car work."
"Dad car home."
"Our car home."

"Cat meow."
"Cat purr."

Monday, May 13, 2013

Yep, he's our son

Matthew's been getting funnier and funnier now that he can talk more understandably. And he's so like Jeff and me with the wordplay, my goodness. Here's some funny things he's been doing.

We say a prayer at night that starts, "Savior, lay thy hand on me..." and every night, Matt pipes up with "paw" when we say "hand" since he calls his own hands his paws.

If I tell him to hurry, he starts barking... because of Murray, the dog, of course. You know, hurry, Murray, it's all the same.

We taught him to sneak up on people by tiptoeing quietly. One day I called the gym to ask for details on a class called SilverSneakers... then laughed out loud when I looked over and saw Matt "sneaking" toward the couch.

Matthew was looking at the tattoo on my ankle, so I said, "That's my tattoo." He laughed uncontrollably for a while then managed to explain, "Tat-three! Tat-three! Tat-three!" Ah, the height of hilarity.

I'll think of more later - it's something new every day.