Friday, September 26, 2014

31 kisses

Me: "On my birthday, I'll be thirty-one. You can give me thirty-one kisses."
Matt, excitedly: "Yes, please, Mom give Matt thirty-one kisses when Matt is thirty-one on his birthday!"

I'll have to remember that one.


Sam loves to mimic, especially anything that Matt does. Matt's had a cough lately, so he's been dutifully coughing onto his arm. Sam doesn't have a cough, but he's been fake-coughing onto his arm.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Matt loves vehicles and he loves talking. He is also not so great at pronouncing some things. Every time he says "SUV," I hear "SOB." Lots of giggling on the inside.

"There goes a huge SOB!"
"Matt sees a tiny SOB with a ladder."
"Matt likes SOBs."
"That SOB is too fast."

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Trash is tricky for Sam

Sam has just started getting interested in the trash can. The other day, he was trying to throw away all kinds of stuff - paintbrush, crayons, trucks, Mr. Potato Head, tissues straight from the box.

I was peeling carrots and throwing away the tops, so I handed Sam the top of a carrot and showed him how to throw it away. He was not happy. He tried to eat the carrot. I took it out of his mouth. He cried and cried. I tried to show him again. He tried to eat it again. He cried and cried.

A little while later, he tried to put some magnets in the trash can.

Trash is still too tricky.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Gross #2

Matt, while sitting quietly at the kitchen table, shouts: "Matt just tooted two times very quietly!"
Me: "Okay. You don't need to tell people. That's not very polite."
Matt, contemplatively: "Matt should just not say anything and just think about toots."


Matt said he was "a little bit tired," so I asked him, "How did you sleep?"

He said, "First Matt slept on Matt's stomach, just like Dad sleeps. Then Matt slept on Matt's side. Then not sure because Matt was just sleeping the whole night and didn't wake up any times."

Okay, then.

When Sam and I picked up Matt from preschool, Sam was saying, "Grandpa, Grandpa, Grandpa." I said, "Sam must think we're picking up Grandpa. He should be saying 'Matt, Matt, Matt.'"' Matt said, "Grandpa can't fit in Matt's car seat. His butt is TOO big!"

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Gross but hilarious things Matt's been saying:
"Matt might have to BURP." Burps loudly while saying the word "burp."

"Matt not want to walk. Matt want to ride bulldozer so Matt can peddle really, really fast and get sweaty. Matt likes to be sweaty."

Matt rubbed his foot against the crib mattress, which is under his bed, and it makes a tooting noise. "Yuck! . . . Matt said 'yuck' just to be funny!"

"Matt just burped so loud Mom thought it was thunder!"

"Something came out of Matt's underwear! Dad, see what it is! Something was in. Now it's out! . . . Underwear went in Matt's butt."

Sam is a toddler!

This morning, Sam stood near the coffee table and kind of made motions like he might take one step just so he could reach the piano bench. Three or four times, he leaned to his right, realized he couldn't quite reach, and decided to just stand instead of taking that one tiny step.

Then, right after lunch, I got him out of his highchair, and he stood next to my chair for a few seconds. Then he very casually started taking steps toward Matt's chair, maybe five to eight steps, as though walking is no problem for him. Then he carefully sat down and took off at top crawling speed to the living room.

He's a toddler now!