Thursday, May 31, 2012

Delusions of victory

When someone comments on my random bruises or gives me a second look at the gym because they recognize me from the roller derby recruitment poster I hung up there, I think, "Hmm, sure is nice to finally be on a winning team." And then I think, "Wait! We lost! We lost that game!" And then I think, "Well, kind of, I guess."

The bout on Saturday was great. It was the most fun I've ever had playing roller derby, though, apparently, we lost, 160 to 180. But there were so many great things!
  1. The teams were pretty evenly matched. The other team definitely had us beat in sheer size and in experience playing together, but we were faster, more athletic, and more teamworky.
  2. I got to play, like, the whole game. I think I sat out about five jams total. And one of those was because I got hit in the face and thought my lip was bleeding (it wasn't). This made me super happy because I've always wanted more playing time. Every game, probably, I've thought, "Man, I sure wish I could have played more. I'm not even tired." I know everyone says that they want to play more, but in the past, I've really felt that I got less playing time than people who were less-good players, who had much, much worse practice attendance, or who had racked up penalties and cost our team many points because of it.
  3. Our team completely outplayed the other team. Usually outplaying the other team results in a win, which is probably why I keep thinking we won.
  4. I did a lot more hitting than getting hit.
  5. Our bench was calm. I've almost forgot what it's like to have an orderly, cordial, calm bench during a game. There was no fighting and no arguing. The coach told us what to do, the bench coach told us when to go in and sit out, and everyone just did it! So sportsmanlike. Yay.
And... Matthew says, "I'm awake, Mom! Come get me! No more blogging!"

But quickly, things that were awful about the bout:
  1. Ten million official timeouts. Come on, officials. Get it together! (I'm a professed lover of refereeing, but this was ridiculous.)
  2. Other team playing slow game. So, so boring. Also, all that start-line kneeling made my leg tired. But only one leg.
  3. Bogus track-cut call at the end of the game that cost us the game.

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