Monday, January 26, 2015

eMeals at preschool

Today Matt told me that he cooked a whole bunch of food for Addison at preschool. He said he had a whole list of eMeals to look through, and what popped up that sounded good was spaghetti and a hot dog bun. She ate a bunch of it. Then Matt ate some. Then he was still hungry, so he made a hamburger bun with mustard on it. Then he kept cooking and cooking for Addy, and she kept eating and eating. She didn't cook anything for him; he just did all the cooking for both of them. He was very excited about all of this.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Google doesn't have all the answers

Matt: "How many days did you go to school, Mom?"
Me: "I don't know."
Matt: "Yes, please, Mom look on the computer."
Me, laughing: "It doesn't really work that way."
Matt: "Yes, please, then, Mom, look on the iPad."

Sam at Kroger

Sam has recently figured out how to say "yeah" and "no" in the correct contexts. It's funny. The other day he was at Kroger with me, and the checkout lady decided to strike up conversation with him.

Lady: "Do you like shopping with your mom?"
Sam: "Yeah."
Lady: "Do you like sitting in the cart?"
Sam: "No!"
Lady: "Do you like to help put stuff in the cart?"
Sam: "Yeah!"
Lady: "Can I keep you here? You're so adorable. Do you want to stay here with me?"
Sam: "No! No!"
Lady: "Oh, are you ready to go home?"
Sam: "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Go!"

Chatty Sammy

Sam is a talker! Ack! No, really, it's adorable, but the most exhausting thing for me about being a parent is the constant talk-talk-talking that Matt does. Matt's started to talk to Sam, though, so maybe Sam will talk more to him later on.

My favorite things right now are conversations that go like this.
Matt: "Do you think Sam can say cow?"
Me: "I don't know. Ask him."
Matt: "Sam, can you say cow?"
Sam: "Cow."
Matt: "Yep! He can! He just said it!"

Matt: "Do you think Sam can say sheep?"
Me: "I don't know. Ask him."
Matt: "Sam, can you say sheep?"
Sam: "Eep."
Matt: "Yep! He can! Sam, can you say truck?"

Etc. Endlessly.

Counting versus logic

Today I told Matt that I'd be ready to help him by the time he counted to thirty.
Matt: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 30!"
Me: "That's not right! It doesn't go '20, 24, 26, 30.'"
Matt: "I already know that. I wanted you to help me faster so I skipped some to make it faster."

Kid is too smart.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

"Tell Dad that."

Matt likes to say things throughout the day and then say, "Tell Dad that when Dad gets home from work." Today was particularly interesting. Here are a few:

1. Matt saw two deer outside. He thought they were dogs at first.
2. The tv said "Mom!" It was funny.
3. If you (Mom) don't know how to play Jelly Jump, Matt will teach you how. He's good at teaching people how to play games that he's good at playing.
4. Sam played with paperclips. Dad had a lot of trouble using paperclips at our old house. They were really tough for him.
5. Matt wants to take down Christmas cards and put them in Rosie but Dad keeps forgetting to look at them first. Maybe he can remember today if we ask him.
6. He's wondering if Dad's wearing his new green sweater today, but he doesn't think Dad is. He thinks he's wearing zero sweaters.
7. It's really funny when the thermometer says zero because zero means none. There's no temperature outside.