Thursday, March 8, 2012

What kind of books do you like?

I read a lot.

I also feel like a disappointment to other people who read a lot.

Conversations go like this:
Big book fan: So, you like to read?
Me: Yeah, I read all the time.
BBF: What do you like?
Me: Uhh...
BBF: Like classics or mysteries or romance or nonfiction or what?
Me: Yeah.
BBF: Well, what's your favorite?
Me: Everything. I like everything!
BBF: But what's your favorite? You can't like everything the same.
Me: Fiction, probably. But not "literary" stuff. Too boring.
BBF: (Seeming annoyed. Probably thinking I've never read a book in my life.) Have you read *book title here*?
Me: Yeah. I liked it.
BBF: What did you think about *character or plot point here*?
Me: Oh, I don't really remember it.
BBF: What are you reading now?
Me: Um, it's called, hmm... it's fiction... a mystery. The main character's name is, uh, hmm. It's about a guy who does a thing and then there's this girl, and she's pretty cool...

But really, I'm on my sixth book in seven days. I just can't remember that much stuff! Asking me about a book I read a couple years ago is, I imagine, like asking someone who watches a lot of tv about the details of a particular episode of a show that they like but don't necessarily love that they may have seen a few years ago. They're not going to remember! If I remember it, it was either excellent or horrible. So...

And then with what I like to read. Hmm. I like books that are interesting, happy, or have particularly realistic characters. I prefer fiction with some sad parts, to make it more relatable, but not too many. I dislike sex scenes and gruesome descriptions. I enjoy Christian novels by black women authors. I've read the complete works to date of Michael Crichton, Nevada Barr, and Carl Hiaasen. So that's something I like. I dislike overly florid prose. I like books involving settlers of the Old West. Also books set in Arab countries. I'm not a fan of autobiographies in general, though some are interesting enough. I can't remember reading a biography. (I can't remember a lot, but for real I don't think I've read a biography since ninth grade.) I despise most poetry but fervently love some of it. I love Shirley Jackson, even her short stories. Usually I don't like short stories––not enough story. Too much description that almost goes somewhere but not quite.

That's a decent summary. I really do read a lot. I just don't talk about books a lot. Also I kind of want to keep them to myself. Talking about them sometimes ruins them, courtesy of my college experience.
On the other hand, I love talking about books. So... no consistency.

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