Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pregnancy comparison, end-of-June edition

Back in March, I wrote a pregnancy comparison post, starting with:
Seems like people are always saying "every pregnancy is different." So every time I hear that, I think, "Hmm, it hasn't been that different so far, really." Just to catalog...

Now, though, the differences seem more pronounced. Here's the final-trimester update:

The Not-So-Good This Time:
Last time, I was pretty tired at some point every day. (Lay down for a few minutes, no big deal.) This time, I feel like I cannot go on another minute at some point every day. (Lay down for a few minutes and let the roaming toddler use me as a jungle gym, since he seems to not grasp the concept of cuddling.)

Last time, I had quite a bit of joint pain, and it woke me up a lot. (But I had many opportunities to rest during the day.) This time, my hips are pretty much going to shatter and my legs will fall off. I'm sure of it. I can't sleep more than an hour at a time because it hurts to lay down. I have to get up and walk around every night to relieve the pain.

The Much-Better This Time:
Last time, terrible, unbearable, unrelenting heartburn, every single night. This time, maybe a couple instances of heartburn but only a few minutes of the truly awful variety of heartburn I remember. (I credit this to my gluten-free diet, though.)

Last time, I had really bad back pain (which made me roam the house in the night instead of the hip pain). This time, none. Just some normal carrying-lots-of-extra-weight soreness.

Last time, a lot of kicks in the ribs. This time, a lot of kicks in the bladder (but I find it less irritating).

Last time, I gained a lot of weight. This is the week in which I stopped weighing myself, actually. And this time, I'm "textbook" as they say, and a solid 8 or 9 pounds lighter at the same point (which translates to having gained something like 19 pounds less since my starting weight was "a little pudgy"). I think it's contributing to my overall feeling better.

Last time, I was really itchy. This time, I'm not. No new stretch marks, though, I'm sad to say––I always thought they looked pretty cool.

Last time, my feet were extremely swollen. I only had one pair of shoes that fit. This time, I'm still wearing the same sandals I wear every day (really, every day––check out the tan lines), with only the occasional swelling when I've been outside a lot that day.

Last time, I felt kind of annoyed when people constantly asked me how I felt. (Answer: "Fine. Pregnant. No big deal.") This time, I think it's nice. (Answer: "Oh my goodness, unbearably tired! I can't go on!" Also, "Fine. Pregnant. Better than last time.")

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