Thursday, August 20, 2015

Little-kid games

Here are some of the things that go on in this house all the time.

Sam says, "Car coming down the road. Wait in the grass! Sam coming down the road. Wait in the grass! Kangaroo coming down the road. Wait in the grass!" Etc. This is from when we were in Vermont.

"Impact hammer! Impact hammer!" There's a series of YouTube videos called Twenty Trucks about trucks and machines that have catchy, informational songs. Impact hammer is a big hit around here. Sam especially likes to bang things on the floor or poke things hard with his finger and shout "Impact hammer!" He likes to switch it up and say "Impact Sammer!" or "Impact Dadder!" or "Impact Mommer!" Etc.

Sam likes to pretend to be a kangaroo. He doesn't jump around, though. He just walks around on his knees and says, "Kangaroo! Kangaroo!"

Foud time. This is when Matt's pretend cat goes to a restaurant by itself to try new foods. It's usually at 7:30 p.m. because his cat likes to spend time with its family during the day and just have foud time when everyone is going to sleep. No clue where he came up with this.

Matt has a pretend cat and mouse that do all kinds of things. They live in a nearby town. They watch Matt's babies when Matt is at his construction job. They help Matt with things. Matt plays with them when he is at his house (also in a nearby town). His cat is 14 years old.

Kratts buildings. Matt likes to build Kratts buildings. These are pet-supply stores. He's been building them all over the place for many months. Not sure where he got the name for them.

Ben loves when I say "fuzzy puzzles" to him. He laughs really hard. I've tried similar things, like "fizzy puzzles," "fuzzy pieces," "busy puzzles," etc, but only "fuzzy puzzles" is hilarious. He also likes when people say "bless you," when people make loud fake sneezing sounds, and when Sam puts his face very close to him (he thinks it's okay when Matt puts his face really close but definitely smiles bigger at Sam for some reason).

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