Saturday, September 26, 2015

A note on plates (or: conforming to societal norms sucks)

So we have these plates, these middle-of-the-line plates that we registered for and received for our wedding. They are sturdy, they look okay, they have a weight to them that makes them seem expensive, and they make us seem like grownups since grownups have matching, pretty-decent-and-nice-looking plates.

And I kind of hate them.

The first problem is, we have them in different colors. We also have a couple wildlife-themed plates from Yellowstone and a couple of kid plates. And we have a kid who wants to choose his specific dishes and silverware for every single meal and snack, even if food has been put on another plate already. His preferences aren't the problem; the problem is talking about plates and cups and silverware and what his choice for the moment is - it takes up a lot of my time and it's a pointless, repetitive topic that just - doesn't - matter and oh my goodness just pick a plate already! Now! Right now! I've got stuff to do, kids to feed, babies to soothe, lots of things happening every time it's time to eat.

And the thing is - I don't even like these plates! I don't like them at all! I wanted a set of cheap Corelle in some cute pattern that would already be dated by the time we got them out of the box. I perused all the Corelle patterns endlessly while working on the wedding registry, but no. People said, "Oh, get the nicer dishes now. Get the ones you'd like to have but wouldn't like to pay for, that's what your registry is for." So I was like, "Okay, okay. That makes sense. The dishes I want aren't fancy anyway, and let's branch out a little bit here. We will probably be glad to have these heavier, 'nicer' dishes later." I know what I like, though, and that's not it.

It's just a minor irritation that doesn't matter, but it's been scratching at me for however long it is that Jeff and I have been married. Made worse by children and their particularities.

These plates and the fact that we have them is the kind of thing that is doubly annoying in that I know what I want, I know what I like, and sometimes when I just try to go along with others' suggestions even though it doesn't particularly matter if I do or not, it turns out to be a bad idea.

Like, why the heck did I wear makeup for my wedding day? Because that's what people do. I don't wear makeup. Ever. The last time I wore makeup was on my wedding, for sure. I didn't want to, really. I did because that's what's expected, and my friends mentioned it a lot, and it seemed like no big deal to just go with it.

...until mascara got in my eye. Which sucked. It hurt and then I just had to wash off all the makeup anyway. So why bother with it in the first place, when I already know it's not something I like? I don't know. Tiny irritations. I want a redo on the plates and the makeup.

Really, I just want to put stuff on the table and not have to talk about which plates, which cups, which forks, which spoons each person has and which ones they want...because it's all the same cheap Corelle pattern.

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