Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Little kitchen helper

I have a wonderful little kitchen helper! (His main limitation seems to be his height, but soon enough he'll be able to reach things without needing to scurry around moving his stool from place to place.)

Really, I think this is about Matthew's crazy-good memory again probably.

One time a few weeks ago, Matt helped me make some waffles. The mix calls for the actual waffle mix, an egg, milk, and oil. We also use cooking spray on the waffle iron. Then a few weeks later, Jeff was making waffles, and Matt decided to help him. Jeff got out the bowl, the mix, the egg, and the milk. Matthew ran to the food cupboard, got out the cooking spray and oil, and set them on the counter. Jeff handed back the oil, saying he didn't need it. Matthew looked at him and handed it back. Jeff mixed up the other ingredients and then, much to his surprise, saw that he did need the oil!

Today, I asked Matthew if he'd like to help me cook some rice. He was pretty enthusiastic, of course, so I asked him what we would need. He said water, rice. I asked him what we should put it in, and he said cup. I wasn't sure if he knew what I was asking, so I rephrased and asked him what we should cook it in on the stove. He said pot. Clearly, my phrasing had been too vague. Then I asked him what we should use to measure the rice and water, and he said cup again. (He must think I ask the easiest questions.) I asked him how he was going to be able to reach the counter to help pour the rice and water in the pot, and he just ran full speed to the bathroom to get his stool.

Yep, the best little kitchen helper.

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