Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Everyday happenings

So Matthew has woken up at exactly 8:09 p.m. the past two nights and sleep-cried for 3 minutes. It's weird. We'll see if he does it tonight. Also, he's still sleeping from 6:30-ish until morning, but morning in his book is around 5:30. So that's not my favorite. But Jeff's been feeding Matt his oatmeal and putting him down for his first nap before leaving for work, so I've been getting a little extra sleep. I've just been tired, I guess from recovering. No other excuse for it.

Speaking of sleep, sometimes I can't sleep so I talk to Jeff while he's sleeping. I'll say, "Ugh, Jeefffff, I caaan't sleeeep. I just can't sleep!" And he'll say something reassuring like, "It will be okay. You'll fall asleep soon," or "Just lay there until you fall asleep," or "Get up and have a snack." I don't feel bad talking to him because it doesn't actually wake him up. He usually doesn't remember talking to me in the morning. But the other night, I said I couldn't sleep, and he said, "Let me input it into my computer." He said it in the same reassuring, matter-of-fact tone as usual and then rolled over and kept sleeping as usual. It made me laugh. Then fall asleep.

In other news, all the superglue is coming off of my surgery incision area. Hopefully it's supposed to do that. It's itchy but I think I'm pretty much healed. Hopefully, because it is nonstop action around here. Matthew and I are going to go for long walks every day since it's easier for me to push him in the stroller than corral him in the house for the same amount of time.

I'm not sure Matt is the smartest baby around, either. Or he thinks he can outsmart me already (I feel confident in saying he can't at this age). Yesterday he kept crawling toward the toilet, with the idea that he should bite the seat and stand up. I kept moving him away from it and saying "no" in a calm but serious voice. After about ten attempts at it, he started crying. And then went for it about ten more times! While crying. With me still moving him away and saying no. Such determination. But such an unattainable, kind of disgusting goal.

And now the little squeaker is awake. Playtime!

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