Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Extra potty fun

We've taken the last leap in potty training––tackling peeing! Last Monday, we bought a bunch of tiny underwear, and now Matt's out of diapers except at naps and nighttime (and when I'm at the gym since he's not used to having a non-parent help him).

It's pretty exciting. The first couple days, oh my, the pee. Jeff determined that Matthew probably wasn't understanding the concept of underwear and peeing in the potty. His thinking was something like this: "Matt's probably like, oh good, underwear! Now I get changed immediately every time I pee!" So after a few frustrating days of a million changes per day and wiping up puddles, we explained more clearly that Matt should pee IN the potty, and it seems like he's caught on pretty well already.

Sunday afternoon was complete success. Monday was a full day of success, no accidents at all, even though we went to the gym, to playgroup, and to visit another friend. Tuesday we had one accident. Today we had a morning full of tantrums and two accidents so far, but I guess it's difficult to cry really hard and still remember to go use the potty at the same time.

The best thing, though, is that Matthew has used the toilet in places other than our house successfully for the first time.

All we need to work on now is getting him to indicate more clearly ahead of time when he needs to go. That will come as his linguistic skills increase, though. And it's probably good his pronunciation isn't that great yet, or you'd realize he's been saying "underwear, underwear, underwear" about a million times a day.

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