Thursday, May 3, 2012

Some climate-related crying

Yesterday we had some crying around here. It's just now starting to be summer. Matthew is the easiest baby ever to take care of, I'm sure, but yesterday afternoon was rough. He was screechy in the car then cry-y and fussy at home. He didn't want to be held or not held, he didn't want to be inside or outside, he didn't want to eat or sleep or quietly rest or walk around.

And, of course, it happened to be the day that Jeff went straight from work to softball, so he wasn't even going to be home before Matt went to bed for the night. So after trying all those things to cheer up Mr. Cry/Fuss Baby, unsuccessfully, of course, Matt just sat in his high chair and screeched at his spoon and refused to eat, and I just sat in the chair next to him and cried for a little bit. You'd think I was crying because he was unhappy and oh-so-loud, but no...

Because it's hot! It's SO HOT HERE! I HATE it. I've never been one to hate weather. As a kid, I always felt tricked when people asked me my favorite season - because I like them all! I love them all equally! Why should I choose between fun snow and fun sunshine and fun raking and fun mud puddles? They're all great.

But now, oh, how I hate the "seasons" in Alabama. I think I have that seasonal affective disorder (is that the name?) but for summer instead of winter. Last year, I think we were trapped in the house for like 3 weeks straight because it was just too hot for a newborn outside. And when we did go out, one day one of our neighbors made some mean comment about how you shouldn't take a tiny baby out when it's 100 degrees. But, you know, the alternative was NOT MAKING IT THROUGH THE DAY. I'm trying to not let it get me down, but it's difficult. I really, really hate how hot it is here. And summer's just beginning. And if I think ahead to all the years we're probably going to live here and all the days it's going to be hot, hot, hot, and all the other climates we could be living in but aren't, I kind of get overwhelmed and just want to cry.

But today, thankfully, it's raining, so we'll make it through a little longer.

1 comment:

  1. dont worry in 3 more years you'll be moving to Seattle if history is an indicator :)
