Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A post about Sam

It's hard to write about a baby when a hilarious toddler is telling jokes and making up funny games and pretend stories all the time. But nonetheless.

Sam is a delightful baby. He's pretty much delightful all the time. "Delightful" is really the best word for him. He cried twice last week, and I was extremely alarmed, because he hardly ever cries. Sometimes he cries a minute or two before going to sleep, but that's all.

He's pretty good at sitting up now. He sat for about an hour today, playing with toys, before falling over. He still rolls from back to front pretty much every time we put him down, but he forgot how to go from front to back, so he does a flailing move like he's swimming when he's on his belly.

Sam's kind of a cuddly baby lump. He doesn't seem like he's in a hurry to get moving, which is nice, because it's a lot easier to smooch a baby's face a thousand times a day when he's a calm baby. His personality seems very laidback.

His main activities right now are chewing on his Sophie giraffe and chewing on his washcloth and chewing on whatever toy Matt has put near him to play with. Also, he enjoys chewing on blankets.

Usually I do a lot of things to try to make Sam laugh (peekaboo and jumping and flying baby are his favorites right now), and when he starts laughing, Matthew announces, "Sam's laughing! Do it again!" or he demands, "Mom make Sam laugh! Keep doing it!"

So that's what Sam's been up to lately.

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