Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Had to go in trash"

Another classic Mattoddler joke.

Something about the phrases "all gone now" and "can't see it" make Matthew say, "Had to go in trash."

The original scenario probably went something like this:
Me: "You don't have that toy anymore because it broke. It's gone now."
Matt: "Had to go in trash."

Or maybe this:
Me: "No more oatmeal. You didn't finish eating it, and now it's gone."
Matt: "Can't see it. Had to go in trash."

And that led to Matthew's jokes...

Me: "We can't see the sun anymore because it's almost nighttime."
Matt: "All gone. Had to go in trash!"

Me: "Well, silly guy, you can't see Sam because he's on the blanket behind that box."
Matt: "Can't see him. Had to go in trash!"

Matt: looking outside where we saw birds earlier - "No more birds out here. Had to go in trash!"

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