Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Not just" and "That's silly"

Some of Matt's new things to say are "Not just..." and "That's silly" (also, "That would be silly").

For example:
"Not just cof. Not just fee. Coffee!"
"Not just pu. Not just zul. Puzzle!"
"Not just under. Not just wear. Underwear!"

You get the point.

Usually I wear pajama pants in the house. I sometimes call them my "house pants." One day when we got home from an errand, Matt said, "Mom wear house pants. Not just house! That would be silly!" Then he probably ROFL'd. His jokes crack him up.

If Sam tries to chew on something, "That's silly!" If something unexpected falls on the floor, "That's silly!" If Matt's pretending to be driving an excavator, that's not silly, but if I ask him if he's sitting in his carseat in the excavator, "That's silly!"

If I say Sam can't do puzzles with us because he'd probably try to chew the puzzle pieces, Matt says, "That would be silly!" If I say, "No, no, Sam, that's not for chewing," Matt will say, "Mom says, 'No, no, that's not for chewing!' but Matt says, 'Yes, yes, that's for chewing!' and that's silly!!"

Speaking of silly, Matt recently brought back one of his first-ever jokes. When he was about one and a half, he called my tie-dye shirt a "hair tie" by accident. Then he realized what he said and laughed hysterically. The other day, he grabbed my hair tie and said, "Here's Mom's tie-dye shirt!" Hee hee hee. Jokester for life.

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