Saturday, February 25, 2012

Half done with the other worst part

So, surgery is over. And now it's horrible recovery time. I'm thankful for how well the surgery went and how well recovery is going so far, but emotionally, it's difficult. Matthew just wants some cuddles from his mother, but I can't pick him up! And I can't really hold him, either, since that always involves him jabbing me in the stomach with his arms or legs. Poor little guy doesn't understand. He probably thinks I'm just a mean mom now who doesn't want to cuddle with him.

But anyway, I made it through getting the IV, though I did cry a little, and both of my hands and arms went numb briefly (the anesthesiologist told me to hold my breath as long as possible and it would fix it, and it did), the surgery itself of course was all a blank, and somehow I managed to stop feeling sick long enough to get in the car and come home. Once home, Jeff and his mom have been taking care of Matt and everything in the house, and I've just been sitting around or laying in bed, and MOMS Club Madison South people have brought suppers by.

Yesterday I didn't feel too bad––or too good––and last night I managed to get some sleep. I probably have slept half the day today, and I haven't taken any painkillers since 6 a.m., so that's going well. I only want to take painkillers at night if possible. And so far it's possible.

The best thing is that the incision site is super-glued shut, so I can shower already and not have to worry about bandaging the wound or cleaning it or anything. Also, the scar is smallish and on my bellybutton, so once the swelling and bruising go down, it might not even look like I've had surgery there.

Matt's napping hasn't been going so great. He's been sleeping all night, but he's been taking the dreaded 45-minute naps, from which he wakes up crying because he's not really ready to be done sleeping. Hopefully he won't get too derailed from his new, excellent sleeping routine. He's at the park now with Jeff and Grandma Alexy, probably swinging, which is his favorite. I tried to go for a little walk earlier but only made it a couple houses down the street. It was nice to be outside, though.

I kept thinking all day how it feels like something's missing from my day, and then I realized it's diaper changes! I haven't changed a diaper since Wednesday! It's so weird. That's a nice break, but I do wish I could just wash laundry and dishes and do all my other usual household tasks since it's easier for me than for Jeff.

And they're back from the park! Yay! Time to hang out for a while and then figure out what we're going to do on Monday and the days afterward...

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